Steering Wheel Knobs: What Are They Used For?
September 8, 2022

The good old days! Steering wheel knobs, popularly known as Brodie knobs, are one of the classic vintage car accessories. They were also known as suicide knobs or spinner knobs. You’ve probably wondered what they are actually used for. The knob is just to help the driver spin the steering wheel easily.

Because it rotates independently of the steering wheel, a knob helps a driver to quickly spin the steering wheel. They’re useful for quick rotation and safe operation with just one hand.

While one hand is busy, steering wheel knobs make it easier to operate a vehicle or piece of machinery.

Regardless of what you call them, they all serve the same goal. It would be easy to spin the steering wheel if you installed one in your car.

What are the functions of steering wheel knobs?

A suicide knob, also known as a spinner knob, is a steering wheel accessory!

They provide you with something to hold on to as you navigate around corners. As a result, you won’t have to take your hands off the steering wheel at any point.

Installing one in your vehicle can make turning easier. Even if the turn is really sharp, you can keep your hand on the knob. It’s perched atop a small pedestal.

They’ve designed a small dial for that location. It secures the knob in place while allowing it to rotate. It’s possible to keep your hand on it while turning the steering wheel completely.

At some point when driving, you will need to remove your hands from the steering wheel. The knob makes it easier for you to still have control.

How does the steering wheel knob work?

The Brodie knob is designed to give you a wider range of motion. You can use these knobs to turn the car around all the way round with just a single hand. These knobs are particularly useful to disabled people who are allowed to drive. It gives them control of their car even with a single hand. Before the whole power steering thing, knobs were installed on vintage cars. This was because the steering wheel was quite stiffer than it is now. Most times, bigger driving wheels need a steering wheel knob to make driving a lot easier.

Are steering wheel knobs legal?

Brodie knobs make driving on curvy roads easier, especially for big wheels. But is it legal to install one in your personal car?

There are no laws regarding the use of knobs at the moment, but you can check your state’s driving regulations to see if there are any.

Are steering wheel knobs safe?

A Brodie knob is safe to use in your car, as long as it is installed properly. Make sure you can rotate the steering wheel all the way before using it. I suggest you install it. On the side of your dominant hand, it will give you a better feeling when you are driving.