Five Main Types of Musical Instruments.
August 18, 2022

Since the evolution of humanity, there has been a desire to create music. It can be used as a form of communication, intimidation, or entertainment. Music has been a part of us for thousands of years. Musical instruments have evolved from shells, horns, and bamboo flutes to a more refined form.

The wide world of musical instruments is classified into five types. This classification is based on the Hornbostel-Sach system of division.

Woodwind instruments

Woodwind instruments date back to years ago. The first flutes were made from animal bones, which date back to 42,000 bc. Woodwind instruments get their names from both their design and the fact that you need to blow into a mouthpiece to create a sound. This category of instruments can be divided into flutes and reeds. Flutes create sound by causing air to vibrate in the pipe. A reed creates sound by causing a reed, usually close to the mouthpiece, to cause a vibration. Some instruments, such as the English horn, Pianica, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, and Obed, are easily classified as woodwind instruments.

If you have ever wondered if a bagpipe is a woodwind instrument, yes it is!

Other woodwind instruments include the accordion and concertina.

String instruments.

String instruments require the movement of strings to cause a vibration and create a sound. In this category, anyone can easily recognize the guitar and banjo. But these unique instruments date back to 5,000 years ago, when the lyre was introduced in Samaria.

The strings are made to vibrate in different ways. It can be either by plucking or using a bow. To create music on guitars, brass guitars and banjos, you can do this plucking. On cellos and violins, you will need a bow.

Other instruments in this category include double brass, mandolin, harp, santor, and the sitar. These instruments are often used in classical, traditional, or folk music.

Percussion Instruments

These instruments are played by striking them. I know what comes to mind is drums, tambourines, and cymbals! But this diverse category includes other instruments that can create musical notes and those that do not create an identifiable pitch.

Other percussion instruments include the cymbals, the bells, the marimba, the nagana, and the xylophone.

Brass instruments.

You have probably noticed a trumpet or a French horn in an orchestra. These types of instruments require that the player blow into a mouthpiece to produce sound. Instead of the instrument being crafted of wood, it is made of brass.

These instruments require the vibration of the player’s lips to create notes. Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Flugel Horn, Cornet, and Cimbasso are all popular instruments in this category. You will often hear this instrument in jazz music.

Keyboard instruments

These instruments require that the player key with their fingers to vibrate a string. The common keyboard instruments are the piano and organ. A harpsichord is an ancient instrument, which is also considered a keyboard instrument.

You can easily identify these instruments in contemporary, jazz and liturgical music.